Viet Ville is a special village set up by the local government of Puerto Princesa to house the displaced Vietnamese Asylum seekers who wanted to live in a free world outside the shackles of communist Vietnam . It was originally conceived by the Center for Assistance to Displaced Persons (CADP) of the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines (CBCP). This was also made possible by the financial support of the Vietnamese communities around the world. This community of refugees built this immigrant zone from the ground in their pursuit of self-reliance.
The village was set up in 1996 with as much as 1,500 residents. However, in recent years, the population has dwindled down to less than 150. A good number of them have assimilated with the Pinoy communities, opting to live outside Viet Ville, setting up noodle houses and selling jewelries in markets and commercial spaces. Moreover, the governments of the U.S. and some European countries have opened their "doors" for these displaced people, welcoming them into their greener pastures, and this has become more economically viable as an option for the refugees.
In 2004, a piece written by Sol Jose Vanzi of the Philippine Star highlighted Viet Ville’s looming crisis – it is simply running out of Vietnamese!
When we visited the village for the 2nd time, it has turned into a virtual ghost town. And it's almost safe to predict the natural demise of this community in the coming decade or two. For now, one can still enjoy authentic French-Vietnamese cuisine - try their French bread and pho - from the Viet Ville Restaurant, which boasts of beautifully prepared, average-priced entrees, cooked by a Vietnamese chef – the only Vietnamese personnel in the restaurant. We have tried the restaurant before, and though we couldn’t say they became an instant favorite, they nevertheless presented something “different”. A word of warning for the hungry: ordering food takes forever, so make sure you’re not morbidly hungry. Otherwise, you’re up for a long hypoglycemic wait!
Filipino legislators were working on a bill to grant these refugees permanent residency but this was abandoned when the Vietnamese shifted their attention to the renewed efforts for resettlement abroad. Life in the Philippines is, after all, not a feast!

In the aforementioned article, Nguyen Van Lam, assistant administrator of Viet-Ville said that the community includes a noodle factory, two French bread bakeries, Catholic and Protestant churches and a Buddhist temple. Just opposite the Catholic Church, there is a Souvenir Shop. It won’t take you 20 minutes to walk around the almost-empty streets of the village. The place feels isolated and though I am mostly confident of its safety, I suggest you schedule your visit before sun down.
This is the Eye in the Sky.
Interesting post. I didn't know that there is Vietnamese Refugee Settlement in Puerto Princesa. Should've take a peek when we visited the place 5 months ago.
Thanks, Ishmael. It's an interesting place and I'd be tempted to visit it again in a couple of years to see how it is or what it has become. :)
Hello Eye in the Sky,
My name is Nate and I am working on a documentary being commissioned by Channel News Asia. The story revolves around the Vietnamese who have migrated to Puerto Princesa City. I am trying to get in touch with someone who is from the area, I was hoping you could point me in the right direction to that.
You mentioned Nguyen Van Lam the assistant administrator. I would love to be able to have a conversation with this individual with regards to finding out more information. As well as the chef that works at the Vietnamese restaurant.
You can reach me at nate.ng.ht@gmail.com
I look forward to hearing back from you, sir!
Best regards,
Hello, Nate. Sorry for the very delayed reply but I rarely visited this blog since last year. I hope you found your contact person for Vietville. Good luck with your future projects.
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