Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Rebateki Liver Steak in Shinjuku Sanchome (Tokyo)

Sometimes, I just hop inside a restaurant that looks interesting. Like when I saw "liver steak" done Japanese style called Rebateki Liver with Green Onion for 680 yen. 

Most rebatekis I know are grilled on a stick, but this one was served on a sizzling plate, and seasoned accordingly. The meal included a cup of rice. This liver steak was plump, tasty and tender. I wanted more.

This was in a restaurant at the 2nd floor of a building with no English signs. I was just walking around one night and couldn't decide what to eat. I must have walked the narrow streets twice before finally deciding on this one. 

The interiors were filled with lanterns, wooden tables and shelves filled with different Japanese beverages. I stayed in the quiet corner. When my order arrived, it took me awhile to eat my liver steak. It looked so beautifully cooked I just wanted to document it. 

But the glory of dining is in the tasting, and it was...

Sinfully delicious. 

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