Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Monkey Forest in Lombok's Gunung Sari

If my driver-guide spoke English well, he'd be eloquent, I thought.

My driver for the day, Ajam, was a far cry from the morose Odin, my driver the day before. He was particularly receptive and personable. He would open doors (which I disliked), and curiously tiptoe whenever he'd see me finish a visit. He was one of those who was eager to please. One of the places he took me to was a mountain called Gunung Sari (Sari Mountain) which the locals refer as "Monkey Forest".

The uphill eastward ride through "Pusuk Pass" was pleasant and scenic. A few minutes after our ascent, we pulled by the roadside. Lush trees abound, and cheeky monkeys wait for visitors to feed them, usually bought from a nearby traditional market.  

I am in no way fond of these mammals. Never have. This visit reinforced that. A school of monkeys were already waiting by the roadside, hanging on trees, and hopping on to newly arrived vehicles which, expectedly, came and went. If you didn't bring any banana, the monkeys would come near you and check you out. I was, of course, not amused.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

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