Friday, May 1, 2015

Artistic Endeavors at the Davao International Airport

Art has a very liberating effect and offers some form of catharsis. Regardless of the medium, it is open to a variety of interpretations and most of the time, whatever you think of it, you're never wrong.

On my recent departure from Davao City, I chanced upon these series of seemingly unrelated paintings, pieced together into one whole "mural" (though I am loosely using the term "mural" here). If you look closely, you will notice that they're actually interconnected by a wave of line going on like ribbon strands, petal contours, or mountain tops. Yet if you individually check out each panel, they tell different stories; stories that burst into colors and themes. What a feast to the senses indeed. And if the message doesn't come across quite blatantly, a united vision makes one solid, beautiful macrocosm.

Though I am posting the "mural" here, you won't get the complete essence of the art work unless you see it on its actual display site. It's like seeing the Mona Lisa in photos, in the movies and from websites. But the experience of seeing "the lady with the mystique smile" at the Louvre in Paris is quite surreal. So please do check it out at the domestic pre-departure area of the Davao Airport.

Entitled "Yaman Kayamanan"(a redundant word play roughly meaning "Rich Affluence"), the mural depict the myriad of stories hailing from Mindanao. In the liner notes, these stories have been told in the visual art form, ranging from "the appreciation of the vast nature of the land to the traditional practices of the Mindanao society." In celebration of life's abundance, this mural pays homage to its people, the folks of Davao and Mindanao, in general.

The mural is a project of iconic Davao artist Kublai Millan with the support of Assistant Secretary Art Boncato of the Department of Tourism and Alex Montanez of the APM Group of Companies. Participating artists include Anton Candayona III, Nina Custodio, Boboy Buenaventura, Jeff Bangot, Victor Dumaguing, Jun Cayas, Jon Traya, Rosamond Alejar, Stella Estremera and Kublai Millan.  

This is the Eye in the Sky!

More about Davao Airport:

No-Trolley Airport


Davao International Airport Feature

Shops at the Davao International Airport

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