Saturday, February 21, 2015

Breezy Evenings and Buffet Dining in Acuatico (Laiya, San Juan, Batangas)

Late Decembers seem to bring cool breezy winds from the East, fanning the slumbering commune of Acuatico Beach Resort. At dinner time, everyone ignores the pools. And this is the golden window to bask in the place's serene surroundings. The waters stand still and there's not a squeak by the poolside.

Post-dinner is a different matter altogether. This is when some groups start bringing out their alcoholic beverages. After all, there are veranda tables in every cottage for such merry-making. They conveniently forgot that there are other people around this very limited space, and cottages are closer from each other. By 10PM, they seem to have downed half a dozen bottles each - and jubilant chatters turn boisterous. Heck, forget the other paying guests. Maybe they'd pipe down by 12 midnight? But this goes on until 1AM. They must have summarily gone to the loo for 30 seconds because a minute or so later, noise resumes until 4AM and well into dawn. Ho-hum.

Nope, this isn't a place when you want solitude and peace. There are cavity-riddled, tricuspid-looking members of humanity who don't care about the normal physiological activity called "sleeping".

In other resorts, noise is rightfully discouraged or outlawed after 10PM or 12 midnight - because that's how it goes in the scheme of things. Acuatico doesn't seem to have this in mind - nor care about enforcing this little universal etiquette observed by other hotels or resorts.

Imagine paying that much and you are rewarded with a sleepless night. So much for a relaxing holiday!

Meanwhile, I wasn't looking forward for the buffet dinner at Oceano Restaurant. Reviews about the food here aren't glowing. I didn't care really. I wasn't here for a gourmet feast, but when you're paying as much as what they're charging, it should be expected. Guess what? Dinner wasn't bad after all. They had crabs and shrimps. Sushi was serviceable, and the dessert station was more than what passes muster. By breakfast, it was time to even out the observation from last night. Nothing tasted good, not even the omelette, or the longganisa. Bland was the order of the day. I didn't feel like swallowing anything I took in. Suddenly, I felt like I was anorexic or has suffered from ageusia. Did I just have a stroke? I had Aquatico to thank for that.

It is hard to remember a breakfast spread as exquisitely mediocre as this one, to be honest.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

If you think that a place looking like this offers serenity, guess again. And we visited on a Tuesday. Imagine what goes on on weekends.

Warm lights reflect on the water.

Oceano Restaurant's buffet stations.

Balinese-inspired interiors? Er, didn't seem that way. But homey nonetheless.

My buffet haul

Breakfast best described as mediocre.


  1. Splendid resort - everything sparkles ! Well illuminated dining hall with an awesome spread.

  2. I did love the play of lights at night. :)
