Sunday, January 25, 2015

Memories of the Fallen in Taukkyan (Myanmar)

From Yangon (Myanmar), on your way to Bagan up north, you can get off your ride and check out this memorial cemetery where 2,700 British soldiers perished during World War II. The inclusive period of deaths was placed between 1939 and 1945. Between each grave were plants (like roses) beautifully maintained. Some unnamed graves were marked with "A soldier from the 1939-1945 war" written on their tombs. In front of all these wrote: "Their names (sic) liveth for evermore."

If you like almost-deserted spaces, pillars, and reminders of the follies of war, then Allied War Memorial Cemetery is worth a short detour. The cemetery is located in Taukkyan, in the township of Mingaladon, about 35 kilometers from Yangon.

This is the Eye in the Sky.

This photo only courtesy of


  1. Hello, greetings.

    Very interesting photo and information. I just can't believe so many British soldiers died in Burma. Who killed them? Normally, British used the local people to fight their wars in colonies. I am surprised.

    Best wishes

  2. Hi Joseph. The Allied forces all fought against the Japanese. imperial army . What's more interesting was, in this region, at that time, the allied forces included the Americans, the Brits (the Glucestershire regimen at least among half a dozen British regimen), the 11th Sikh regimen, the Burmese infantry and even the Nepalese Gurkha regimen. I can only imagine the "might" of the Japanese invaders then. In my country, where they ruled a horrible petrifying reign for 3 years, they were merciless and formidable. Thus back then, it seems to be the Japanese versus the world. I seem to envision history repeating itself but in a different form of war and this time involving the. Very arrogant mainland China. It's just a feeling, an opinion though.

  3. Hello greetings.

    The Japanese would not have been vanquished but the dropping of the bombs in Japan. They are very fierce in war fare and very cunning.

    Now they are doing well in industries and export. They have practically nothing in their country.They import everything from other countries, manufacture products and sell them back to the countries from where they imported raw materials. Their management style is unique and imitated by many other countries.

    Best wishes
