Thursday, March 20, 2014

Swimming in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan royals used to bathe here, the Kuttam Pokuna, a royal bath in the sacred, ancient city of Anuradhapura located 205 kilometers north of the capital Colombo. Though mostly set in ruins, the place is surrounded by monasteries, while the residential areas are littered with dogs roaming the streets. I know because I almost became dog food while trying to look for my planned hotel which I never found. The tuktuk driver offered his house at a much lesser cost. Of course that could have been a ploy - not finding the hotel - so I'd grab his place but it was a long ride from Mihintale (the birth of Buddhism in Sri Lanka) and I was tired and didn't want to waste more time.

I wanted to soak in at the royal baths only to find out it had been conquered by algae.

This is the Eye in the Sky!


  1. I am sure during the reign of the royals the water was clean and pure :) Didn't know there were tuk tuks in Sri Lanka too !

  2. The official term for the "tuktuk" is "three wheeler" or "tri-shaw" but I've become too lazy to use the proper terms. Haha. Yes, I'm sure these baths were immaculate and clean in the heyday of the royals. :)
