Tuesday, March 4, 2014

China Beach in Da Nang, Vietnam

At a secluded spot in China Beach, in central Vietnam's eastern seacoast of Da Nang, the country's third largest city, I found these huge circular bowl-shaped fishing boats one lazy Sunday morning before flying back to Kuala Lumpur.

I was standing there looking at the rush of the waves when a friendly local gentleman in his mid-30's came to chat. He nonchalantly told me how these seas and the nearby islands are being owned by China. As much as I try to avoid discussing "politics" and territorial issues, I could not ignore the issue completely because it is close to home. Like the Philippines, Vietnam is scratching its head uncomfortably because China is muscling its way to "gain" sovereignty to what clearly isn't theirs. I joked that they should change the name of "China Beach" before China starts having their ridiculous ideas that the beach is China's by virtue of its name, the way they spuriously believe that all of South China Sea is theirs (and they even have magical maps and historical anecdotes to prove these). What can small, powerless countries do to avoid these territorial intrusions and fight against bullies? You can't help but wonder.

This is the Eye in the Sky!


  1. After re-reading my post I realised that the beach near the Hotel was much nicer than the part which I past on my way from Hoi-An! http://www.yearsoffreedom.net/2012/02/mission-accomplished-da-nang-hoi.html look at one of the last pictures ;)

  2. Yes, I see the familiar circular boat. If that's in Hoi An, then that should be Cua Dai Beach which, like China Beach, is mostly empty.

    This leg of my trip has beaches in every place because it's the central coastal Vietnam so I had the following beaches:

    Da Nang - China Beach and two more beaches contiguous to China Beach

    Lan Co - Lan Co Beach, there's a private beach by a restaurant resort but the nem escapes me at the moment

    Hoi An - Cua Dai Beach

    Hue - Thuan An Beach which has "exclusive" resorts. They turn away locals who come near their establishments but basically leave the tourists alone

    These beaches are mostly deserted. Your statement about China Beach being not for everyone is more than valid because There are almost no activity around; no shops, very few restaurants. I like it anyway exactly because I can have it all to myself. :)
