Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Streets Beach at Brisbane's South Bank Parklands

At the South Bank Parklands, midway between Goodwill and Victoria Bridges is Streets Beach constructed for those who love frolicking on the beach, but want to stay within city limits. Finding this beach is a little jolt of surprise because I didn't expect a leisure swimming site here that feels like real beach, with fine white sand on one side.

It is easy to find. The Arbour Walk will eventually lead you here. The "beach" is roughly divided into a shallow and a deep portion. A demarcating line is provided somewhere (see photo 11 from the top). There are children playing in the midst of sea lion statues and squirting fountains. At the other end are adults soaking in on the sun. If you just want to roast yourself with enough ultraviolet rays - without getting wet (which is less fun), there's a grassland nearby where you find the younger demographic just reading their books or throwing frisbees.

I had to be a bit inconspicuous photographing this area because you don't want to be accused of taking advantage of people's modesties, but how else do you document a beach without bodies in bikinies or swimming trunks - or children playing? How do you capture the spirit of fun and frolic without the people populating the area? The world has become too paranoid, and I somehow understand why.

The beach feels like a special place. You could relax and sit on a bench, gazing at the atmosphere of revelry or cogitate at Brisbane's riverside just a few steps from this swimming space. The skyline is awesome from this point.

This is the Eye in the Sky.


  1. Nice place to cool off ! But what is a beach without sea and sand :)

  2. Absolutely. This has sand though. :)
