Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More Images from Hyderabad's Golconda Fort

Rene Magritte's "Golconde" courtesy of wikipedia's Shimon Yanowitz.  

Golconda Fort rightfully belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage list, but, along with the Charminar, it’s still in its tentative list (there’s a process to be followed). 

Its beauty has inspired several artists like Belgian surrealist painter Rene Magritte who used “Golconde”. The painting is presently housed at the Menil Collection in Houston, Texas. The art work itself is far from the fort’s likeness, but the word was allegedly used as synonym for “mine of wealth” – a reference to the city’s legendary diamond industry. Elsewhere, John Keats’ poem, “On Receiving A Curious Shell” mentioned the fort: “Hast thou from the caves of Golconda, a gem / pure as the ice-drop that froze on the mountain?

For this post, we felt we had to use the following photos which didn't make our prior entry. This was a curious effort to somehow limit the number of photos in that piece. But we couldn't throw these away so here they are.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

A little Golconda history and travel information

From Mumbai to Hyderabad -

Charminar -

Huge rock formations at the summit.