Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Selangor River Dam in Kuala Kubu Bharu, Malaysia

The ride to Fraser's Hill is punctuated by verdant greens rising from lush forests and scenic spots. The quality of the road towards the hill feels slightly better than Cameron Highland's, but they're narrower and sinuous - and in dire need of side rails. But the new dam could be visited some 15 minutes from Kuala Kubu Bharu (KKB) en route to Fraser's Hill. The origin of this new dam is a bit controversial, predicated on displaced ethnic groups and environmental concerns but there's no denying the sheer beauty seen as you traipse through the hills.

For this post, I am featuring the few photos I got while taking the hellish ride up the hills. Imagine a leisurely drive through these surreal images, with cool wind blowing your hair and fresh air percolating through your nostrils. I was suddenly reminded of Max Ehrmann in his "Desiderata": Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.   

This is the Eye in the Sky!    


  1. I simply love the scenery and greenery at dams and rivers.Thanks for showing us these fascinating and spectacular pics !
