Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fraser's Hill, Malaysia - Beauty Spilling Over

It's hard to deny the stark beauty of Fraser's Hill, despite difficulties in getting there. It's like suddenly stepping into a realm of sheer wonderment: narrow roads that snake languidly in cool air; flowers abloom as though the heavens have sprinkled the earth with bursts of greens and a cacophony of colors, and it's not easy to find references to a new millennium. Since the early 1900's, time seemed to have lost track of the vagaries of moving forward. And there's something so succulent about a frozen moment.

The town itself is caught in lazy slumber. The central area is too limited to really explore, unless you consider sprawls of woodlands and leech-rich nature trails as part of the heart of town. I went inside a souvenir shop and found that they don't even have picture cards of Fraser's Hill. What they had were illustration cards you could write on and send to family and friends. Nope, not even of its most famous landmark, the Clock Tower. The only stand-alone restaurant had limited options. From readings, I had the impression that many guesthouses don't even have restaurants. The center of town is small, thus it offers limited activities, unless you get to the nature trails. Or go bird watching, but I'd rather sleep than find birds, to be very honest.

If you're that restless soul, the backpacker who requires constant mobility, Fraser's Hill may not be the place for you. I didn't think it was for me too until I sat down a bench right in front of the Clock Tower and watched the few tourists passing by. Cool winds claimed my reverie. Suddenly, I was transported back to a carefree time in my life when I visited the Cotswold in South England touted as the world's most beautiful village - and it was hard to disagree then. The village itself looked like it was painted straight out of a children's fairy tale - quaint houses covered with vines; cobble stone walks; wells that promise fulfillment of wishes; little bridges with gentle streams flowing under. Fraser's Hill felt like an extension of the Cotswold (see last photo below) - even the temperament of the people and the gentle caress of the cool winds were similar.

I eventually learned how to enjoy the hills. I simply allowed a specific moment to stagnate.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

Travelogue and details from my Fraser's Hill trip

Puncak Inn

The Cotswold in South England


  1. That's so beautiful @Eye! Yes, the pictures and more so your words! Thank you!

  2. @ NRIGirl:

    Thank you. Bursts of inspiration come from anything beautiful. :)

  3. Quaint and charming town. Time seems to be standing still here.

  4. @ Ram:

    Time does stand still at Fraser's Hill. :)
