Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wat Tham Fai - Divine Footprints in Pakse

Wat Tham Fai was founded in 1935 along with the more important Wat Luang located closer to the Mekong. While the latter has the religious distinction, Wat Tham Fai possesses a scenic expanse that allows holding of big festivals in its temple grounds. In one of its smaller pavilions, a small Buddha footprint is enshrined thus its other name - Wat Pha Baht.

The temple grounds has several structures, including a tree encircled with Buddha altars. Among its structures are an array of stupas demarcating the area, a small shrine with curiously Burmese-style influence, a Drum Tower facing Route 13, and a small merry-go-round shrine with several (six!) Buddhas in various positions. In the afternoon sun, the place glisten with serene, if at times, rundown, sophistication. I find the place beautiful; a surprise since it hasn't been accorded its rightful description in the limited literature I could find about it.

Wat Tham Fai is located just across Champasak Palace Hotel, with its main entrance facing west, along Route 13. Personally, this should be one of Pakse's must-visit places.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

Buddhas encircling a tree providing shade and a shrine.

An offering at the tree altar.

Entrance from Route 13.

A common sight during my travels - Monks texting!

Stupas in a row

Burmese style influence?

The only open temple during my visit.

Burmese style

From the spacious grounds, you could see Bolaven Plateau in the east.