Sunday, January 29, 2012

Faces of Davao 08 - Random Images

Like fast moving clips from a projector, images of a vibrant city are captured in seconds: school children crossing a street; a mall energizing a fast growing metropolis; a lady smoking in a non-smoking city; vehicles moving towards Chinatown (Sta. Ana); colorful flags billowing along Bolton Bridge; a gigantic green-colored billboard dwarfing shanties down below; a deserted spare-parts shop; a busy street populated by multicabs; and a university standing proud before an afternoon sun.

They all have hundreds of stories to tell. I can only imagine.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

SM Mall has energized the city and has spawned brisk development in a once-sleepy district.

Brave lady smokes in Duterte's no-smoking land.


Bolton Bridge

Gigantic billboards lend support to an embattled lady mayor.

Spare parts shop

CM Recto Street's multicabs

Ateneo de Davao University


  1. Although I do not smoke I like the portrait of the smoking lady-she seems so relaxed:)

  2. I was scared for her because the mayor's (now vice mayor) an advocate on following the law... even his children have to follow them or he puts them to jail. :)

  3. hahaha..smoking in a nonsmoking city...WOW...THE whole city is a non.smoking zone? amazing...

  4. @ muhammad israr:

    It is. They call it "political will" to enforce a rule. I remember an item in a newspaper where a famous "dance club" of a high profile hotel was ordered shut or suspended because some people were caught smoking inside the dance club. Anywhere public should have designated "smoking-room only". Outside this, you couldn't smoke, or there's a fine - and even jail time if you've been caught several times. The city is really an enviable center of discipline. It is amazing. :)

  5. Beautiful, vivid,colorful & captivating images.
