Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Images from Campo Agua Resort - Toril, Davao City

Some of my most rewarding visits are the unplanned ones. You can just imagine the euphoric feeling of grandeur of our great adventurers like Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, et. al. when they "discovered" an island or a whole continent. I do not compare myself to these people, but the statement above underlines the joys of discoveries. Davao is one of my favorite places. People are kind, and the price of most things is cheap. More importantly, a lot of the scenic spots are under explored.

Campo Agua Resort, located in Toril, Davao City, was a spur of the moment. It's a great place to unwind. For more information, read the previous post.

This is the Eye in the Sky!

"Even if you've been fishing for three hours and haven't gotten anything except poison ivy and sunburn, you're still better off than the worm." - Anonymous

"You find peace by coming to terms with what you don't know." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The narrow dirt road to Campo Agua from the national highway.

The entrance gate.

Open parking space (free).

More information on Campo Agua Resort in our previous post - http://eye-in-the-blue-sky.blogspot.com/2011/05/campo-agua-resort-davao-undiscovered.html


  1. It's so pretty there, the first picture is simply breathtaking!

  2. can we bring our own food & drinks?

  3. I've been to Campo Agua twice already, the most recent one was 2 months ago - on a weekend where there was a considerable crowd. During this visit, I saw the water sprinklers and fountains come alive, making the place a lot more vibrant.

    I saw families with their baons, thus I believe you can bring your own food and beverages. I didn't see any sign about corkage fee either (I looked for that). But just to be sure, their contact numbers are posted in these posts.

    For further inquiries: call +63-82-291-1666 or +63-82-299-2795. Mobile number - +63-916-7645283

  4. may adult pool ba? gaano kalalim ito?

  5. Leizel:

    Yes, there's an adult pool just contiguous to the kiddie pool. However, it isn't deep, probably 4 feet at its deepest.
