Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Lighthouse by the Hill - Malalag Tales

My favorite spot during my visit to Malalag's Eagle's Eye Beach Resort is a white lighthouse precariously rising atop a hill, flanked by a Port Terminal to the south and Eagle's Eye to its north. There is an unmanned picket fence that leads to the concrete stairs with an uneven surface, and steel bars dangerously poking out from the surface. It's an easy climb actually, but I carefully made my way up the hill, curious of the thorny weeds and the iron bars. As I reached the top, I saw a fastly eroding dirt road that leads to the white lighthouse by the cliff. One misstep, one imbalance then you'd end up rolling down a craggy hill.

The few from the top is awe-inspiring. Fishing villages facing some of the bluest waters. Despite big cargo ships docking from a distance, everything looked clear and serene. There was no way to check out what's inside the lighthouse so we didn't try further.

Some visits make you wince or question your effort's worth, while some sights tell you it's all worth while.

This is the Eye in the Sky.

Out of the dark blue. This photo only courtesy of flickr's imkidd.

Leaves of Grass

"From Montauk Point"

I stand as on some mighty eagle’s beak,Eastward the sea absorbing, viewing,(nothing but sea and sky,)
The tossing waves, the foam,the ships in the distance,
The wild unrest, the snowy, curling caps -that inbound urge and urge of waves,
Seeking the shores forever.

- Walt Whitman, 1888

The Light-Keeper

The brilliant kernel of the night,
The flaming lightroom circles me:
I sit within a blaze of light
Held high above the dusky sea.
Far off the surf doth break and roar
Along bleak miles of moonlit shore,

Where through the tides the tumbling wave
Falls in an avalanche of foam
And drives its churned waters home
Up many an undercliff and cave.

- Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894

The small road right in front of Eagle's Eye Beach Resort and the hill. This heads to Sulop, Davao del Sur.

Please check out our post on Dawis Beach in Digos City -


  1. Hi Eye! Those blues look great... Just found a bilingual (English/Portuguese) version of the «Leaves of Grass»... Great !!

    Blogtrotter Two is departing Turkey 2009! Enjoy the views and have a great week ahead!!

  2. Hi Eye!
    Blogtrotter Two has arrived in Sardinia, a true hidden gem in Mediterranean waters! Enjoy the views and have a great week ahead!!
