Monday, July 7, 2008

My Indochina Adventures - The Itinerary

Solitary travel is mind-blowing. There is NOTHING like it. It challenges my endurance and keeps me on my feet. It stimulates my neurons. My hormones churn over time, and there is a persistent hum of an eternally rambling river that stokes my existence. I feel alive!

My Travel Creed (Allow me to wax philosophical.)

In this general scheme of things where a single person is just a speck in the vastness of this world, my travels make me feel like I belong to this scheme. It transcends the mundane definition of wealth or success or relationships. Its ironic how this constant mobility – the incessant transfers – keeps me rooted to myself. It’s physically draining, but spiritually uplifting. There is a God who is responsible for the spectacular richness of diversity in people, in cultures, in nations. And I am grateful to be alive to bear witness to all these.

An ambitious itinerary is what it is. Not that it hasn’t been done by any Pinoy. In fact, the more I researched about it, the more I learn that this is probably a route popularly undertaken. The difference here is it is I who will be doing it. Alone. It’s big deal to me. No, it’s a GARGANTUAN deal!

· Manila to Hanoi
· Border crossing: Cau Treo (Vietnam) to Nam Phao (Laos)
· Luang Prabang
· Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng (
unlabelled in the map)
· Vang Vieng to Vientiane
· Vientiane to Savannakhet
· Border crossing: Savannakhet (South Laos) to Mukdahan (Thailand) via Friendship Bridge II
· Mukdahan to Bangkok
· Bangkok to Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
· Border crossing: Bavet (Svay Rieng, Cambodia)- Mocbai (Tay Ninh, Vietnam) border
· Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) aka Saigon
· Saigon to Manila

On paper, it already looks like a daunting endeavor. With careful planning, and a little more stamina plus all the excitement, this will be a lot of fun!

This is the Eye in the Sky!


  1. your posts are exciting. i feel like i am traveling myself.

  2. thanks, lucy. here's the thing: whenever i read my posts again, i get to re-live my journeys once again. i personally want to read them as i exactly remembered them: the exact thoughts running on my mind at that particular leg of a travel, the smell and the sights of everything around me, everything. this is why, my blog-site is text-heavy... for very selfish reasons.

  3. Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

  4. Hi! I was just wondering if you have a more detailed itinerary of your trip through Indochina and have advice on transportation to take and the like. I'm planning a trip there soon and need all the help that I can get. :)

  5. Hi. The detailed itinerary is posted in detailed travelogue in the succeeding posts (so you can click "next" at the bottom), and all throughout this blog. The details are quite specific and as I'm on the road traveling again, you will find more new places (this one is through new cities and towns in Laos, Thailand, Myanmar).

    Let me know what specific information you need and I would gladly give my 2 cents. Mail me at and we can discuss your itinerary if you need more info. And have safe travels. :)
