Friday, October 26, 2007

Saigon 03 - Money Matters


I strongly suggest stocking up on small dollar bills. Lots of them. I was lucky to have found someone who just got back from Vietnam and had spare dong, which I used for my 3000 dong bus ride. There are ATMS everywhere. Even my small guesthouse (which is an 8-storey, 13-room establishment) had an ATM at the foyer. (Just 2 doors away is Madam Cuk's Guesthouse, which is highly recommended by Lonely Planet.) You can withdraw US$ from your credit card (which I do not recommend because of its steep surcharge per withdrawal). If your ATM bank card has
Cirrus, Maestro or PLUS, then you can withdraw cash from your ATM savings at a much lower service charge ($2).

a familiar sight in Vietnam

A row of cafes at a mall in an upscale area, a few walks from the historic Rex Hotel.

Flags are everywhere in Vietnam, even in unnamed streets.

An ambulant vendor.

One of the myriad of art shops in HCMC. Be sure to buy an art work. They're inexpensive.


This is the Eye in the Sky!

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